Friday, December 20, 2013

Quickie - my new purse!

It's taken a lot of looking, but as of today, I finally have another new purse to carry.  It's a bit smaller than my others, and has a much thinner and more feminine strap, but everything fits...   And the best part is - my wife is OK with it.  That's an accomplishment.

Lots of pockets, and I actually can hear my phone ring with this purse!

A couple of pictures of the purse are above, and a couple with me wearing one of my house dresses.  I haven't worn these dresses away from home yet, but neighbors may have seen me looking like this, while bringing packages in from the car, doing things in the garage, or working in the backyard on occasion.

Not sure if a winter outfit like this would be suitable to wear on the street.  What do you ladies think?  Or, maybe a jumper dress with turtleneck blouse (instead of the heavy sweater), taupe pantyhose instead of tights, and my black Mary Janes?  In the winter, a sweater could be worn over the jumper, if needed.  In warmer weather, a light t-shirt underneath would be perfect, or, better yet, why not just go sleeveless?  Bare legs and arms under a cool jumper, with flip-flops displaying a fresh pedicure, not only look totally feminine, and in addition, they announce the girl's presence everywhere she walks....flip-flop, flip-flop, flip-flop.  

What do you think?  Should I be wearing a jumper outfit out-and-about?

 My Pink and White nails certainly stand out against my black dress...

The only thing about wearing jumpers...once I've made myself up in the morning and dressed, my jumper is what I'll be wearing all day, until returning to a safe place to change that evening.  There is absolutely no "safety factor" of being able to slip out of it in the car, and go back to androgynous mode, like I can with a skirt and heels.  And no chance of getting away with using men's restrooms. But maybe that's just what the doctor ordered...and given the right circumstances, I could handle it.  That is, if my outfit options above are basically presentable.

I'll be carrying my new purse in public tomorrow for the first time (in androgynous mode), and my wife and I will go out for lunch.  I'm looking forward to it!


  1. That is a nice purse and it can go anywhere you want to take it.

    I also like the jumper. I think that the sweater under it is too bulky. A nice trim tgurtle neck or mock turtle neck would be better. I also like the idea of tan or beige pantyhose with your MJs as opposed to the mono chromatice look of all black.

    1. Hi Pat,

      I wasn't sure if my jumper would be suitable to wear out in public. So far, I've only worn it as a house dress. I'm really glad you like it! Sounds like my next step forward should be to plan to "just wear it" the next time Mandy can be out of town overnight for a couple of days. The downside is: It may not be for a few months.

      As for my legwear and blouse: Great suggestions! That bulky, and very warm, tan sweater is something I will only wear around the house in cold weather - we set the heat way back when we are conserving propane, which is very expensive here. I have a couple of lighter-weight turtlenecks to wear out and about with my jumper.

      Likewise, the microfiber black tights. I'll definitely take your suggestion to stick with light tan sheer pantyhose in break up the long length of my dress's black fabric and make my legs visible again.

      What do you think about a pair of my flats with this outfit? Wouldn't they help me blend in a bit better with the other women at the mall? I could bring my MJ's along in the car as spare shoes, and just change into them at dinner time...

      Happy Holidays to you!

