Monday, March 7, 2016

I finally wore front of the kids.

The kids and their baby have headed home...and yes, our new granddaughter is a real cutie!  When I hold her, and she puts her tiny hand in mine or wraps her hand around my finger while smiling at me...I simply melt!  She's fun to be around...and steals your heart, even if she occasionally "exercises her lungs a bit!"  What baby doesn't?  (And then she gets handed back to Mommy or Daddy to feed or change...)

Our place is now so very lonely without them...and when they left, there wasn't a dry eye in the bunch...   Though it's been a very long trip for them, we hope they're able to visit us again soon.

In my previous post "A refreshingly pleasant day",  I mentioned that my brown sandals had arrived, and that my wife hadn't commented about them as I wore them around the house.  I also mentioned in the post, that I might try wearing them in the presence of our son and daughter-in-law while they were here...

Well, I did it,  during the last few days of their visit.   Not a word was anyone.  So, they have apparently been added to my "acceptable footwear" least on a de facto basis.  And, I look forward to wearing them a lot as the weather gets warmer.

From the archives:

Here you see the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad's steam locomotive 734 storming upgrade with a long passenger train, enroute to Frostburg at Helmstetter's Curved on the old Western Maryland Railway.  (Named, of course, for the family whose farm is nearby, just out of sight to the left, inside the horseshoe curve.)

Back in the day, this used to be double track.  But fortunately, one track was allowed to remain when the hiker/biker trail was installed.  The two still peacefully co-exist, to this day...and prove that it is possible for both uses to be successful.




  1. I would consider wearing the sandals with your guest around a significant step forward, especially if worn as shown in the photo with pantyhose and painted toenails.
    OBTW my wife still has not commented on my painted toe nails. It is almost time for me to strip the color so I suspect that she has noticed it and not opted to mention it.

    1. Pat,

      My toenails were short and painted with clear, but I was not wearing pantyhose with them... But now that our guests have gone, I wear them around the house with pantyhose. I didn't want to precipitate a warning to get them off...figuring I can ramp it up as time goes on. One step at a time...

      Amazing that your wife hasn't commented. She may, once the color is gone. I suspect you're right, that she has opted to ignore it...


  2. Hi Mandy,

    I'm glad that you moved farther with being more your self with your son and daughter-in-law- YAY!

    1. It sure feels good to be able to wear them anytime around the house. I will plan to wear them out to Mom's as soon as the weather breaks...looking forward to that!


  3. It's good to read of some more positive steps to acceptance. Sue x

    1. One step at a time - that's the way it's been all these years. And it has resulted in my current androgynous state, wearing only women's clothes (only pants, not skirts), all the time.

      Wouldn't want it any other way!

