Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Classic cars get attention...

I recently stopped at the car parts store where there on occasion has been a male clerk wearing skirts and women's flats. I wanted to buy some things for the antique, since I was bringing it back home from a quick run to the shop for some adjustments.  And in the parking lot, three guys were working on their cars, with two female clerks from the store taking a smoke break.

My attire was the usual androgynous fare...with pantyhose!  But the car attracted all the attention, without any issues regarding me.  There were questions, and I had the answers.  I was simply "the lady with the antique car."  Even the girls liked it.  Nice...   Unfortunately, the clerk in a skirt wasn't there...on a Thursday.  Darn...I was hoping to have him help me!

My wife and I stopped for lunch one day, at a restaurant along US-50 just east of the Bay Bridge.  From the beginning to the end, we were addressed as "ladies."  By the hostess, our server, the busboys, and the hostess again on the way out.  No issue, no questions. "Ladies" the entire time...  Server (female) asked if we wanted separate checks...we didn't...and she put the check between us, just like every other time we're addressed as ladies.   Both on the way in, and out, men held the door for us...again. Very affirming...

At a church book sale in one of the small shore towns, an elderly man held the door for my wife and I - "go ahead, ladies", then continued to hold it for his wife.   We both said "Thank you, Sir."  And both got the same response...."You're welcome, ladies."  As she checked out the treasures we found, the  elderly female clerk said "Did you ladies find everything you need?"  My response for both of us:  "Sure did, Ma'am - thanks."   I wonder what would happen if I showed up for one of their church services dressed like this??  Actually, based on the way the other older women were dressed there, I'd probably need to wear a skirt...and 2" heels...LOL!

But I really wish I were able to fully dress during this dry spell and let Mandy be herself.   So I hope to have a trip ready to take, one of these days soon!




  1. Good for you Mandy! Keep on truckin'

  2. It seems like you being out and addressed as a lady when with your wife is becoming commonplace. I suspect that at this point your wife has become somewhat used to the idea and it may be becoming a bit 'ho-hum' for her. On the other hand I suspect that for you every affirmation in the feminine is a positive jolt.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Pat,

      Sorry I had to delete previous response...too many typos! This is the same post, corrected.

      It really seems that way - and I agree that she's getting accustomed to it. That's a very, very good thing.

      Remember, the folks who interpret me as female and address us both as "ladies" aren't our friends, who know me as male. Our friends simply see me as the person I've always been, regardless of my feminine cues. Strangers take what they see at face value...and from the cues I provide, they think "Female." Fine with me!

      I suspect the reception among friends would be quite a bit different if we were out with them, and I was in full makeup, earrings, a skirt or dress, and heels. Obviously that would never fly with my wife, but I highly doubt the response from friends would be as favorable...

      My wife has repeatedly said "NO" to kilts - even though they are clearly a men's garment. Well, "NO" - unless I start playing the bagpipes in a piper band. Then I can dress the part...for parades and performances.

      (Sigh) If I were only 20 years younger...and musically inclined. Amazing Grace on the pipes is so totally inspiring!


  3. Do not totally discount the kilt in the marching band idea. A golf buddy of mine, after he retired, joined an Irish/Scottish marching band. His daughter was a drummer in the band. Having no musical talent he is one of the leaders at the beginning of the group wearing the kilt, sash and tall furry hat.
    Lots of St. Pat's parades this month. We will not be down the shore this weekend but the Belmar Parade is Sunday and that draws a huge number of bands with men in kilts.

    1. Interesting thought...but being up front and leading a band like that might require coordination. When we were younger we did some square dancing (LOVE some of those dresses) and coordination was not one of my specialties!

      However, there is some merit to your idea!

      Maybe I'll find a St Pattys Day Parade to put the old car in...


    2. A combo St. Pat's parade with vintage cars being driven by drivers in kilts sounds like the ticket.

      You mention square dancing. Yesterday I wore a long skirt around the house with a turtle neck sweater top and my wife commented that it looked like a good square dancing outfit.

      I had not thought along those lines but her eye should never be questioned.


    3. Never question a sincere opinion! She won't guide you wrong...

      As for a parade...Sunday's weather looks bad. We'll see! If there are a lot of guys in kilts that will be a good thing!


  4. Your post really struck a chord with me as I have had the similar delight of being addressed unfailingly as "Madam" "Ladies" "Miss" and so on these last couple of weeks. There is nothing better than this affirmation from others, nothing I know anyway.

    Thanks for all your recent support, Mandy. I have really appreciated it, and maybe you've been working some kind of magic as my health is so much better. Sue xxx

    1. You're welcome, Sue! I hope that I was some sort of's good to see you getting out and about again!



