Saturday, January 25, 2014

A girl in Daisy Dukes, and another first for me...

Just before the snow started to fall here in Maryland on Tuesday, I (wearing my usual stirrup pants over pantyhose, turtleneck, flats and jacket) drove over to the gas station to buy some gas for the generator, in case it should be needed.  I noticed on the car thermometer that it was 31 degrees and made a mental note to "not" clean the avoid an icy mess. 

When I arrived, a car was already there, and I noticed it contained a 20-something girl who was preparing to get gas.  I got out and retrieved my credit card from my purse...then went to the pump, where I glanced up and noticed what the girl was wearing:  a jacket, a pair of very VERY short Daisy Dukes, bare legs and a pair of furry Ugg-style boots.    She looked up at the same time, our eyes met, we both smiled at each other as two women would, then went about pumping our gas.

Don't know whether she clocked me, but it seemed to be a perfectly normal woman-to-woman gesture.    However, remembering the 31 degree temperature, I truly was wondering if she was cold...because I was, even with pantyhose under my stirrups, and she was bare-legged.  Though she wasn't wearing "weather-appropriate attire" I found myself somewhat envious of her cute schoolgirl figure...and that she could look so good just doing day-to-day errands.  Maybe someday I'll look a quarter that good - and be very happy about it!

My nails are now longer than they have ever been...several are nearly 1-1/8" overall.  Fortunately I've figured out how to use my credit card at that one particular gas station (above) without needing a plastic glove, but I still need one at ATM's. I've been trying to get to the nail salon for a week but things (now including the weather) have been interfering.  So my nails keep getting longer (and that's not a bad thing.)  Accurate typing is getting more difficult now, and my nails click loudly on themselves as I move my hands, as well as on anything I touch.  But on the positive side, I've gotten compliments on them from women.  Wonder if the tech will shorten them at the nest appointment?  We'll see what happens!

Today was another first...shoveling snow in my house-dress, a sweater, and ankle boots over opaque tights.  Fortunately the wind wasn't as bad as had been forecast, the sun was out, and only a path to the propane gauge in the back yard was needed, to see if it was time to order a delivery.  (It was.)  Got the following pix...

No, I actually didn't freeze.  But I definitely noticed the cold, particularly when winds gusted and found their way under my dress.  I can only imagine how cold the girl wearing Daisy Dukes with bare legs must have been yesterday....


  1. There is something feminine about having bare or nylon covered legs out in the chill and the breeze. During our younger days all women wore dresses. Even in school the girls had on skirts. I presumed then that the tights that they wore in winter gave them adequate warmth and would envy their ability to wear tights. During warmer weather they would wear knee socks.
    I liked the photos of you clearing snow. Until we sold our house I would enjoy shoveling snow. I kept a spare shovel on our deck which was a favorite place for me to be in a dress since it was mostly private. There were many times when I would be on the deck in a dress or skirt shoveling off the snow. Sometimes I would even do it in heels.

  2. Agree totally about the girls of our youth wearing dresses or skirts...Mom wore them all the time back then. Wish I could have, too!

    As you saw in the pix, there are no houses backing up to ours, but the back yard (where I was) can be seen by adjoining neighbors on one side. (Yes, the ones who saw me in a skirt in the restaurant last fall!) So it's sort of private!

    Did they see me shoveling in my dress. Don't know...don't really care. Didn't have to shovel the front...the community does that. But if it snows again, I'll be shoveling the path to the fuel tank heels, though!

