While visiting NYC, one of the notable places I enjoyed was the Guggenheim Museum, with its massive funnel-shaped architecture. It's as appealing from the inside, as it is from the outside! And by unwittingly including partial views of some of the "cars of the day," I ensured a "time capsule" to enjoy in future years.
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Due to my work schedule, one day I actually had some time off, which allowed me to join the studio audience of the Dick Cavett show, at that time on ABC. (Hints at my age, doesn't it?) Unfortunately I don't remember the show guests, but I do recall him being one of the more composed and dignified of the show hosts I'd seen.
His show remained on ABC until 1974, and then went on to CBS, PBS and others. Then he moved into radio with a syndicated show from about 1986 - 1990.
The Dick Cavett Show, ABC
Back in 1972, security wasn't quite the concern it is today. Two cases in point...at times I availed myself of one of the long subway station at 58th St and Avenue of the Americas, which had several entrances, as a convenient way to access some nearby beaneries without a lot of walking out in the weather. This was not usually a problem. However, about 6 o'clock one rainy evening, I was walking back to the hotel through the station. Walking toward me, way down the empty platform, was a group of about ten scruffy-looking locals, each brandishing a billy club in one hand and smacking their other hand with, as if they were staying dry while looking for trouble. Always alert, and with nary a security officer in sight, I detoured up an exit next to me, on to the street in a heavy rain, for the remainder of my walk. Better wet than dead. (I certainly would hope there is better subway security nowadays.... ) One weekend, I was in
'explorer' mode and found the stairs leading to the roof of my hotel. Naturally, the door was unlocked and not alarmed. My
reward was some great views of NYC, and in addition, I found some
seldom-seen architectural touches such as the below. Nowadays, with security consciousness, a reward for exploring the roof of your hotel would
probably be a ride in a police cruiser or paddy wagon...but not back then!

Up On The Roof...
Anyone for a pretzel?
In 1972 these vendors seemed to be a staple on every NYC street corner. I tried one, and didn't care for it. Before I left the Big Apple, I found that I disliked not only the taste, but the smell. So I tended to avoid their carts...
Anyone for a pretzel?
On my way back from the Statue of Liberty tour, I grabbed a quick shot of the ferry. Pictures found on line show that modern boats look a bit different now, so here's another classic "snapshot in time".
Following is the earliest known picture of Mandy, circa 2002. It, and its short introduction, were in the blog "Who is that girl, part 2" dated 6/27/12. Additional facts about the pic; I was wearing a borrowed wig from Kathy, as my hair would still scream "boy" - it was not grown out yet. And the dress I wore belonged to Kathy's wife, who was a big help to me, in doing part of my make-up that day. Both she and Kathy told me that I look great in long dresses.
But as I progressed, I got the feeling I should include some shorter ones when I add to my wardrobe, to show a bit more leg...
Mandy circa 2002
I still have the following jumper...in fact, I'm wearing it around the house right now, with a long sleeve top, to keep warm in the cold weather.
Mandy circa late 2004
I'm looking forward to some warmer weather - it would be fun to try wearing one of these dresses out and about!
That's all for now...