Saturday, June 22, 2024

My New Sandals!


Having worn cute sandals “all day, every day” since about the first of April, I’ve been looking for new sandals with a bit more support and stability, which would be comfortable to wear all day, yet look nice with shorts, capris and yes, even loungers & dresses.  A bunch of internet searching brought the ones shown here to the top of the list.

Wifey concurred that “they look pretty, though they’re definitely girlie.  But, if that works for you, go ahead.”  So I ordered a pair.

The morning after they arrived, I put them on to see if they’d be a “keeper. “ Wifey thought they were very appropriate with my shorts, capris, and loungers.  They display my pedicure perfectly.  I was pleased with the fit, so they stayed on all day.  Very comfortable…the only footwear I’ve ever worn all day the very first day!   So I found another pair on line, and began wondering…should I order them?

Next day, I wore them all day once again – no blisters, abrasions or any discomfort.  Before the day was out, I’d received compliments from two women about the sandals, as well as had my hand held up by a female store clerk while with Wifey, to compare my nails with hers.  (Mine were longer...) That night I ordered another pair of the sandals – but in black instead of white.  Wifey said “Those will look more fashionable when you dress up for dinner in dark leggings and a blouse, and even your pants suit.”

Two weeks later, I’m still wearing them daily, and they’re still comfy!!  Here’s a picture…

I might even buy a 3rd pair, in a different color!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Back again...from my latest visit to the nail salon!

The girls at the salon loved my sandals and white the tech said "it's been 6 weeks since I last trimmed them, and they're more trims for you till fall, girlftiend!"  "I'll be wearing sandals all summer...probably till October."  "Then you'll get to show off those pretty toes with long nails till then, since by mid-summer your other shoes won't fit!"  

She had "forgotten" to put the last coat of white and the clear top coat on.  So she did that just before I left. "Now don't forget, sweetie... leave your toe separators in for at least 45 minutes to avoid smearing the polish!"

The fun part was that I still had errands to run., so I left them in place the whole time.  Several women complimented  my pedi...and a couple even grabbed my hands to admire my long pink fingernails!

 Such fun!  Wish Wifey would approve of my wearing white on my fingers, too!

